Saturday, September 4, 2010


Congratulations! You have made to the half way mark; we are now in week five! In the previous weeks, we have examined and discussed cultural anthropologic aspects of today’s society along with influences that lead to the creation of our diverse society in America. Can we agree America is approaching a closer reflection of global societies? We have examined a movie video clip with intensive cultural and ethical influences that identifies many issues we may encounter in meeting the healthcare needs of today’s diverse patient populations. Our discussion sessions in the rubrics about the movie clip provided opportunities to share views, opinions, and ideas which clearly demonstrated there are not always clear cut decisions to make in such situations. The video clip also served as a guide to interpret the impact of cultural diversity and ethics on the economics of nursing care and healthcare systems. Additionally, we examined the use of multidisciplinary team approaches to resolve ethical dilemmas, and we examined culturally and ethically sensitive intervention and prevention nursing strategies to promote and improve nurse-patient relationships and healthcare outcomes.

This week, we will explore nursing theories in the application of cultural competent and ethically sound nursing care. Review the concepts of the nursing metaparadigm of person, health, environment and nursing as they relate to cultural diversity and ethics. Madeline Leininger’s Cultural Care Diversity and Universality theory would seem to be the most and only theory applicable to support culture competence and ethical decision making. Critical thinking and decision making in the real world, however, suggests the use and application of more than one theory to achieve the better nursing and client outcomes.

Are there other nursing theorists and theories you think would be applicable in your decision making processes to achieve the best nursing and client outcomes? Provide rationales for your selection(s) and scenario(s) in your responses in the rubric discussion section.

Reminder: Your next assignment is due one week from today.

Have a great week and I look forward to your responses in the discussion rubrics. As always, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.


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