Saturday, August 28, 2010

Culture and Ethics in Nursing

Hi Class,

Summaries from your first assignment were great and provided some interesting viewpoints and opinions. Good job! Your scores for this assignment are posted under the tab titled Grades at the top of our classroom's toolbar. Remember, share your thoughts and opinions, be honest, and always be respectful of one another's viewpoints. We can all agree there will times it is acceptable to disagree.

Moving forward, we will now focus on other factors that influence the nursing profession to be culturally and ethically competent in the provision of nursing care in today's society. Nursing boards within the United States have started to require the inclusion of cultural competence in nursing curricula for approval and accreditation of many nursing programs.

In the values statement of the American Association of Colleges of Nurses, four prinicples are stated:
  • Respecting and including divesity of opinion, experience, and culture
  • Open and responsive communication
  • Quality, efficiency and accountability in the implementation and evaluation of activities
  • Positioning through integrity

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2010). Values. Retrieved August 28, 2010 from

With these prinicples in mind, watch the video link for the movie "John Q". What nursing intevention and prevention strategies could have been used in this scenario to prevent the escalation of events? Have there been any changes in healthcare or healthcare systems to prevent this scenario from happening today?


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